Okay - so I know that there is this huge Royal wedding coming up in a few weeks, but honestly, who cares? I mean, he's been dating this girl for like 8 years or more, off and on... And the amount of money that is being spent on the wedding is beyond ridiculous! I mean, there are many other things going on in this world in which that kind of money could be spent! Instead, they choose to spend it on such a lavish event that who could be comfortable going to any such wedding?
Then I hear on the radio this morning that the Prince has decided that he will not wear a wedding band... Just as his father chose with Princess Diana. Now, I can understand some men not wearing a wedding band based on their profession or daily job.... But only while they are working. I mean, a mechanic or factory worker...it could be dangerous to wear rings... But the Prince? Really? What does he do that he cannot wear a wedding band? I mean, I think I would take that personal!
Well, it's not like no one will know he is married since reporters saying that the "whole world will be watching" but still... I would want my husband to be proud to wear the wedding band I put on his finder when we got married. It just seems like the right thing to do.
So are they skipping the wedding band part of the ceremony? Like they are altering their vows to one another?
I just find the publicity on this whole event just shocking. We cannot cover the men and women putting their lives on the line on a daily basis in anything but a negative manner - but we can spend countless hours talking about the "Royal Wedding" coming up! Seriously? Who cares about them! There are hundreds of other people getting married this year too...and spending millions less on their weddings! None of them are getting the same coverage.
Will I watch the wedding on TV? Probably not. Mainly because we do not have cable in our house... but even if we did... well I don't know, I might flip it on just to see what all the fuss is about...but that's it.
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