A - Allied - it's the company my husband works for - so thankful he has a job in this economy...
B - Blogs - without them, where would I share all kinds of interesting information? LoL
C - Cell phones - might seem weird to be thankful for them, but it allows me to keep in touch with so many people that I probably wouldn't be able to other wise.
D - Draekon - Destry & I adopted Draek back in March & he has been such a blessing to us!
D - Draekon - Destry & I adopted Draek back in March & he has been such a blessing to us!
E - Each & Every day - God does not promise us tomorrow...so I am thankful for the days He gives me!
F - Family - I don't even want to think of where I would be without my family! LOVE YOU!!!
G - God - He is the reason we are all here - without Him, there would be no us..
H - Heaven - Thank You Lord that You created a place for us to go and be with You after we are done on this earth... What an amazing reunion it will be...
I - Instruments - I love hearing music come together and especially when it is to praise the Lord.
J - Jokes - Sometimes just hearing a simple joke - especially from a kid - can make everything better!
K - Kids - while I do not have any of my own - kids are such a blessing from God & I am thankful for all of the kids who are in my life and will enter into my life eventually.
L - Love - There is so much love in my life from many different places - all put there from God, who is Love!
M - Marriage - I love my husband & being married to him is the most amazing gift I have ever been given!
N - Netflix - So I can watch movies with my hubby any time we want to!
O - Olliver Joel - My beloved puppy who is now in Heaven waiting on me... He taught me how to love. The pain of loosing him is still unbearable, but I know he is still protecting me like he always did.
P - Presents - I love to give presents. It doesn't have to be anything big, just something that I know will put a smile on someones face.
P - Presents - I love to give presents. It doesn't have to be anything big, just something that I know will put a smile on someones face.
Q - Quiet - Sometimes, the sound of nothing is the best noise ever.
R - Running - Even though I am not always the biggest fan of running, I am very thankful that I can... Not only is it a good form of exercise, but it is the best stress relief as well.
S - Scriptures - I am so thankful that God gave us His Word to read and study... Do not even want to think about what we would do without it.
T - Traveling - It is always fun to explore and learn about a new place.
U - Uniforms - Every time I put on my USAF uniform I am thankful that I have been given the chance to serve this great country & help keep us free.
V - Vehicles - I am very thankful that we have 2 amazing, reliable vehicles that help get us where we need to go.
W - Weekends - The time when I get to spend the most time with my husband!
X - X-rays - Because they are helpful and the only word I could think of that starts with the letter X! Haha
Y - Years - Shows us that God has given us more time to be with the ones we love.
Z - Zoos - I just love animals! :-)
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