Wednesday, September 5, 2012

29 while 29 #26

26 - Eat a ballpark hotdog!
Now this requires going to a baseball game – which is something my husband and I have been talking about doing for a couple of years now. So I guess, in a way, this goal will be accomplishing two at once!

This past weekend I was able to eat my first ballpark hotdog in probably 12 years! 

I am a member of a site called Vet Tix ( where people can donate tickets to events to veterans. When I got an email about Cleveland Indians tickets available for Labor Day weekend, I jumped on the chance to get tickets and Destry & I were able to go and take my parents with us. There was a little issue since the tickets were mailed on 14Aug and we never got them in the mail. But thankfully, Vet Tix is an amazing organization and they took care of calling the Indians to get me 4 more tickets that were left at will call for us....and we ended up with better seats than we would have had if the actual tickets had come in the mail.

Destry & I at the Indians game!
The game was fun and even though the Indians lost to the Rangers, we all seemed to have a good time together. Just being in the ballpark is a feeling that we should all experience at one time or another in our lives. Even though we are not the hugest of baseball fans - that did not matter because we thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere.

A view of the field from our seats!
 One thing that made the game that much better was that the annual Air Show was going on in Cleveland at the same time. So while we were enjoying the game - we were also enjoying the Navy Blue Angels flying around in formation! It was fun to hear the cheers for the Blue Angels and the Indians at the same time! And we actually had some amazing seats to see the Blue Angels compared to normal at an Air Show! Haha

The Navy Blue Angels flying over the stadium.

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