Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The corruption will end...

I will be the first to admit that I do not follow politics.

I really just do not have the time to ensure I understand everything well enough to get into any conversations about it. And even though it is important to understand, it just bores me for the most part.

But every once in a while I do some reading & it quickly makes me realize why I do not get involved in politics on a regular basis. It really saddens me how far this country has come. How far from our founding fathers we have strayed. I really think that they would be so sad to see just how secular this country has come. & how God has been taken out of everything. How trusting God (or even saying His name) is spoken against & not allowed.

What really makes me think - wonder - ponder - is how can so many people be blinded by the truth? How so many Americans can think that all these corrupt activities are okay. That this crazy world is actually a good place to live. How has Satan blinded so many people to God? How is being a Christian is something no one can talk about? How have we as a society got to the place of having to be so "Politically Correct" & accommodate everyone, unless you are a Christian or talking about God.

It really saddens me that being a Christian is the minority...That my girls are growing up in a country that teaches tolerance to everyone- but Christians have to stay silent. A country that shoves your beliefs down my throat & does not allow me to have my own.

One thing is for sure - I will be voting this November. I will be making sure my voice is heard. I will show my girls that we can make a difference by doing our right as an American.

I just pray that people's eyes are opened to the truth. That they see the corruption in our country & vote to stop it. To make people accountable again for their actions.

We certainly can make America Great Again. & it starts now with prayer & Christians taking a stand.

Do not be afraid to stand up for God & His commands. You may stand alone for a few minutes but it will not last long.

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