Wednesday, December 1, 2010

25 Days of Christmas Challenge

Okay - my best friend offered up a challenge on her blog that I am going to accept...even though I have not read through the whole list yet! So here it goes. If you feel up to the challenge as well, add the list to your own blog and fulfill the 25 days for yourself!

The list:

  1. A picture of your Christmas tree - past or present.
  2. What has been your favorite gift that you've bought this year?
  3. What is your favorite memory of snow?
  4. Do you go shopping on Black Friday?  Do you shop on Cyber Monday?  Are you a last minute shopper?
  5. Do you like to go to Christmas parties?  Why or why not?
  6. Christmas family picture(s)
  7. When do you start listening to Christmas music?
  8. Favorite non-religious Christmas song
  9. Favorite Christmas movie
  10. Do you send out Christmas cards?  Why or why not?
  11. Do you decorate outside?  Please include a picture if you do!
  12. What's on your Grown-Up Christmas list this year?
  13. Favorite religious Christmas song
  14. Your favorite food at Christmas (not a baked good)
  15. Do you wrap or put presents in gift bags?
  16. If you have siblings, do you all buy for each other at Christmas?
  17. Favorite picture of snow
  18. Favorite family Christmas tradition
  19. Favorite gift received
  20. What's on your child-like Christmas list this year?  (Oh come on, you know you have a Christmas list!)
  21. Do you bake at Christmas?  What's your favorite baked good?
  22. Who do you spend Christmas Day with?
  23. Favorite Christmas memory
  24. Did you get to open any presents on Christmas eve as a child?
  25. What are you most thankful for this Christmas?

Day 1 - A picture (past or present) of your tree

Here is a picture of the tree at my parents house last year... My mom always has so much fun decorating the tree! And since I have yet to have a tree of my own (well, I had a little tiny tree at my apartment a few years back, but I can't find the pictures on this computer) I thought this one would work as it is a family tree! :o) The black & white turned out more in focus than the colored picture did - but I think this one is such a nice picture of the tree...

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