Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 3 - Christmas Challenge

What is your favorite memory of snow?

~Oh this one is an easy question to answer!! I remember all the times with my daddy & brother & sister in daddy's little 1982 Chevette driving around in the snow. He would have so much fun with us all strapped in the back seat. Mom was never with us - she would run into a store and daddy would keep us in the car and we'd go do donuts in parking lots or use the snow piled up as a ramp... We had so much fun just laughing and playing around in the snow. We all still talk about it today - and slowly let mom into our little secret world of fun in the snow! Haha 

~Another one (if I can do two favorite memories) was the year we got 2 extra weeks off school because of the massive amount of snow that fell over the Christmas holiday. I think it was my sophomore year which would have been the winter of 1999-2000, but I could be wrong. Anyway, when the snow plow finally came down our street (we were the next-to-last house on a dead-end street), they stopped before our driveway & piled the snow up in front of our driveway to where we could not get out! Now this wasn't good for anyone needing to drive, but I was not old enough to drive yet! So I thought it was a blast.. My brother & I went out and built tunnels in the snow piles. We had so much fun for hours in the snow, only coming inside when we had to warm up or were hungry! 

There are so many fun memories of the snow. Even though I would usually prefer to skip winter, there is fun to be had in the snow. I am learning to re-love snow as I watch Olliver run around and play in it now. He just loves the snow, and watching him play in it really brings back my love for snow!

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