Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 9 - Christmas Challenge

Favorite Christmas movie...
Now, don't laugh at me... If you have not seen this movie then you need to! It was made back in 1988, so when I was only 5! And yet it is such a classic and a must every single Christmas in my family. Yup, you got it, Ernest Saves Christmas!! Basically, Santa is looking for his next replacement and in the process he gets put in jail which requires Ernest to save him. Then, they must work to help the next Santa admit that they will take on the job of being Santa, even though their life is going great right now. 

It is such a funny movie and one that our family watches every Christmas, a tradition that every family should have. Haha It is one that is on TV every year and can be found in the $5 bin at Wal-Mart too. So pick it up, or find it on TV and see for yourself... Gotta have an open mind though! I mean, it was filmed in the '80's! LoL

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