Thursday, May 12, 2016

Combat Boots

Today is Thursday. Most people count down to Friday. Why? Because that is the end of most people's week... You know you can make it through the day on Friday because you will then have a couple days off before you head into the office again 

Well, that's not how life goes for me. Friday is my Monday... Except my Monday only comes once a month. You may be wondering how that is... Well I promise it is not all you are thinking it is right now. 

One weekend a month I grab my uniform and serve this wonderful country in the Ohio Air National Guard. I love my job, so do not think I am complaining at all. It is the life I chose. 

Almost 15 years ago I raised my right hand & swore to defend this country against all enemies, both foreign & domestic. Then, 4 years later I did it again as I transferred from the Air Force into the Ohio ANG. Then 6 years later I did it again. Then a year later I did it again as an officer. 

So I have made my choice and do not regret it. 

However-- it is tough when everyone is counting down to Friday and I know my Friday is actually my Monday this week. But since I love my job and the people I serve with, I willingly leave my family for a few days & join another family. My extended family. My brothers & sisters who have committed their lives to this country just as I have so many times over the last 15 years of my life. 

Why do I tell you all of this? I do not know for sure. I just know it was on my heart & on my mind. So I wanted to share with you. I do not serve for a thank you or for any type of recognition. I serve because it is where I am called to be for right now. When it is time for me to retire, I will do so knowing that others are coming in after me to fulfill the call to this great nation. 

If there is someone in your family, a friend, a neighbor-- who you know who puts that uniform on as well, then make sure you say an extra prayer for them and their family tonight. Pray for their safety. Pray for their peace. Pray for their mental health {trust me -- mental illness is a huge issue in the military due to the type of job we have and do}. Pray that they get to see their family. Pray that their planes, ships, vehicles are all safe. Pray that their family does not have to worry. 

One thing you can always do for your military is pray for them. Please do not ever forget to do that. 

A Girl Who Wears A Uniform And Combat Boots

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