Monday, May 16, 2016

Just Be Held...

So yesterday, I was driving home from working for the last few days and I had my music going really loud to help me since I was so tired. I was driving my husbands car, so I did not have my SiriusXM. Which meant that I had my phone plugged in and the music I have downloaded from iTunes.

You may be wondering what is the point... I promise I am getting to it!

Well I forgot that my amazing husband sync'd all of our music, and he has Casting Crowns, which means now I do too!

You ever get to where you have heard a song so many times, but then you finally hear the words? That is what happened to me yesterday. I finally heard the lyrics and it just has been radiating in me ever since.

Here is the lyric video:

During my message yesterday morning I talked about waiting on the Lord and how He is there for us through everything.

So hearing the lyrics about letting go and letting God just hold you has been hanging with me ever since.

They say "Your world is not falling apart it is falling into place..." which is something that so many of us need to hear. No matter what we are going through, no matter how hard things seem, no matter if you cannot see any way of making it out of your situation - your world is not falling apart!


God is ensuring that your world is going into place. We - as humans - may not see that.. We may be wondering what God is doing or what He is allowing this or that to happen. But remember, He can see the big picture. He planned your life before you were born - this situation is not a surprise to Him.

Sometimes we have to learn to just let go of whatever is going on and just let God hold us.

When all seems to be going wrong, go to God. Let Him hold you and take care of whatever is going on. It is not impossible.

Someone who is letting God hold her even more now

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