Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Mom, you are not alone...

When you are a parent, sometimes you do not even get a second alone to think. About anything!
From what you are making for breakfast/lunch/dinner, or if you already washed your hair... Not even to remember if you made your bed or fed the dog.
Please tell me I am not alone in this.
Some days all I want is to be able to go to the bathroom without one or two kids sitting on my lap while I go! Is that really too much to ask?
When did my life go from peaceful boredom to so much stress 24/7 that I cannot even remember if I brushed my teeth today?
It is so easy for moms to loose themselves in the daily grind of what this life has become. Wiping noses. Changing diapers. Finding a paci (for the millionth time today). Making food that may or may not be eaten. Waiting until the kids go to bed to actually get to eat something yourself without little hands helping themselves to whatever is on your plate (even though the just fed the dog everything you gave to them to eat).
I have found it to be so important to take a minute to breathe! Among all the whining, crying, teething, fussing, I am sleepy but do not make me nap moments, as a mom, we need to breathe. We need to take that second to gather ourselves before we truly do go insane!
I am just being real here.
And I know I am not alone. I know I am not the only one who forgets to breathe. Forgets to remember that this too shall pass. And one day I will long for these moments back.
Please know you are not alone. You are not the only one wondering how you will survive another day (okay - maybe another minute) without someone giving you a break.
When you try to talk to another adult & your children just will not let you - remember, that other adult is not judging you. They have probably been in the same boat you are in now!
I get so embarrassed when my kids do not act like they are supposed to - but then I have to remind myself they are 2.5yrs & 1yr old... They cannot always tell me what is wrong. Maybe they do not even know themselves. They just know that at that moment they want me. Mom. Their comfort.
So take a breath mom. Lean on your comfort system (God, hubby, your mom, a friend). Just like your daughter or son needs you - you need someone to remind you to breathe & it will all be okay!

Another tired, stressed, worn out, needing a shower & brushed teeth, losing her mind mom

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