We all count down to certain days and times in our lives. We set reminders so we do not forget about important events happening. Make countdowns to remind people how many days until... you fill in the blank for you.
Well, the day is upon us in our family... We have waited and prayed. And prayed and waited. Prayed some more... waited some more.
You get the idea!
My husband and I knew that moving to our current house was a temporary move. <Insert Carrie Underwood singing "Temporary Home" because that is what started playing in my head as I typed this!> We knew that eventually we would be selling and moving our family we have created to a new location. It was no surprise to us when we started to feel like that time of the impending move was drawing near.
It was a surprise to us how quickly God moved in our situation. Let me lay it out for you...
After years of praying about moving (pretty much since before we moved here) to the town where our church and my base were, it all happened so fast that it still hasn't formulated into my mind. See, my husband was offered a job... We did not accept right away. We did not just jump on it since it would take us to the location that we knew we were supposed to be in. We took our time.
We prayed! A LOT!
When we finally felt like it was time to accept the offer and get this thing started, it all went rolling into action. In a matter of days we had offered on a house ((with tons of land and promise)); that offer was accepted. We had put our house on the market. After 3 days that consisted of 7 showings, we got an above-list-price offer... that we accepted. And the plan was put into place.
Finally - we were moving. Now, please do not think that there were not hiccups along the way. Yes, we had issues. There were things needed completed at both our current and new houses in order for the sales to go through. The countless trees that died for us to sign our names a bajillion times over and over again so that we could say the same thing to our realtor, mortgage people and whoever else asked the questions. There was the stresses of going through home inspections, radon inspections, pest inspections, appraisals, negotiations back and forth on who fixes this or that... What was more important, this or that.
No, it was not easy - but we stayed calm, cried a few times, hung onto each other and ultimately we are about the cross over to the other side.
So, when I say the day is upon us, I do not mean our moving day is finally here. {I wish!} But the day is upon us to where we have to pack!
Who likes packing? Anyone? Because I sure do not. And now we have to pack for we do not know how long to stay at my parents house for who knows how long and hope that we have everything done. It is a challenge - but the day is upon us. We will survive this just like we survived all the paperwork to get to this day...
Oh - and did I mention my husband starts his new job on Tuesday, where he will leave Tuesday and not come back until Thursday when the girls are about to go to bed... and we will be at my parents house, babysitting their dog.... just me - 3 dogs and 2 toddlers.
You may not hear from me for a while... Just saying...
But, no matter what - the day is upon us when our prayers are being answered...
A Thankful Prayerful Mom
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