Wednesday, November 23, 2011

ABC's of being Thankful this year...

So I have seen all over Facebook a bunch of people posting what they are thankful for this year by using the alphabet...and since I didn't catch on to doing that early enough, instead of catching up on there, I thought I would just blog mine instead! So, here we go....

A - Allied - it's the company my husband works for - so thankful he has a job in this economy...
B - Blogs - without them, where would I share all kinds of interesting information? LoL
C - Cell phones - might seem weird to be thankful for them, but it allows me to keep in touch with so many people that I probably wouldn't be able to other wise.
D - Draekon - Destry & I adopted Draek back in March & he has been such a blessing to us!
E - Each & Every day - God does not promise us I am thankful for the days He gives me!
F - Family - I don't even want to think of where I would be without my family! LOVE YOU!!!
G - God - He is the reason we are all here - without Him, there would be no us..
H - Heaven - Thank You Lord that You created a place for us to go and be with You after we are done on this earth... What an amazing reunion it will be...
I - Instruments - I love hearing music come together and especially when it is to praise the Lord.
J - Jokes - Sometimes just hearing a simple joke - especially from a kid - can make everything better! 
K - Kids - while I do not have any of my own - kids are such a blessing from God & I am thankful for all of the kids who are in my life and will enter into my life eventually.
L - Love - There is so much love in my life from many different places - all put there from God, who is Love!
M - Marriage - I love my husband & being married to him is the most amazing gift I have ever been given!
N - Netflix - So I can watch movies with my hubby any time we want to!
O - Olliver Joel - My beloved puppy who is now in Heaven waiting on me... He taught me how to love. The pain of loosing him is still unbearable, but I know he is still protecting me like he always did.
P - Presents - I love to give presents. It doesn't have to be anything big, just something that I know will put a smile on someones face.
Q - Quiet - Sometimes, the sound of nothing is the best noise ever.
R - Running - Even though I am not always the biggest fan of running, I am very thankful that I can... Not only is it a good form of exercise, but it is the best stress relief as well.
S - Scriptures - I am so thankful that God gave us His Word to read and study... Do not even want to think about what we would do without it.
T - Traveling - It is always fun to explore and learn about a new place.
U - Uniforms - Every time I put on my USAF uniform I am thankful that I have been given the chance to serve this great country & help keep us free.
V - Vehicles - I am very thankful that we have 2 amazing, reliable vehicles that help get us where we need to go.
W - Weekends - The time when I get to spend the most time with my husband!
X - X-rays - Because they are helpful and the only word I could think of that starts with the letter X! Haha
Y - Years - Shows us that God has given us more time to be with the ones we love.
Z - Zoos - I just love animals! :-)

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Some days I feel like I am just wandering around aimlessly... Just not sure where to go or what to do.
Some days the pain of missing Olliver is more than I can handle... I lash out at anyone and everyone in order to be able to direct my pain somewhere.
It is just too hard to not have him here... Seems like forever, yet it hasn't even been 3 months yet.
What could I have done differently? I should have been able to save him.
The world keeps spinning and yet I feel like I am standing still...watching it go on...but not able to join in.
I know it will get better, just don't know when or how.
I am relying on God to help me since it is only with His strength that I can continue.
When will the pain not consume me anymore??