Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A Temporary Home

What do you do when your life is turned upsidedown? You push through until you find your new normal! Hmmm - maybe that is too simple of an answer that does not logically work... Or maybe not. Maybe it is that simple.

Let me explain.

See, as I posted a few days ago, we have started moving. So we packed both cars full of clothes & necessities, got both dogs, both kids (plus me & hubs!), drove to my parents house... Unloaded (thanks to the help of my niece & nephew)... & set up camp.

Okay, so not really "camp" but you get the idea; right?

Now, majority of our stuff (the comforts of home) are still at our other house - the one we sold. We have our new house just sitting there, unable to get into yet (closing soon..........hopefully!), and now we have taken up residence at my parents house.

It is not easy. On any of us. Normally a house that has 2 adults and a dog now holds 4 adults, 2 young toddlers & 3 dogs! 😯 Yup. You read that all correctly!

Thankfully their house is big enough for us to not be stepping all over one another. Which is a definite blessing during this time of transition.

But now you have two families living under one roof. Two families who each have their own ways of doing things. Their own schedules & routines. Trying to combine everything they are used to into one big routine. And it is not easy. But it is what happens when you have family & they willingly help you out in your time of need.

Yes, the girls, dogs & I could have stayed at the house we sold for another few days, not seeing hubby at all during the week - but my parents graciously opened their home to us so we did not have to be separated.

That is what I mean by pushing through to find the new normal. This is only for a time. It is not a permanent change. It is just until we can get to close on our new house.

So while all of our lives have been turned upsidedown for the time being, this too shall change. Eventually we will separate our families again & get back to our own schedules & routines that each family is used to. But for now we will be grateful that we have a place to go. Somewhere the girls are comfortable going to. Somewhere they get to spend more time with family & enjoy knowing that their family is close by.

We can all do something for a season. For a temporary set of time. And I am so beyond blessed to have a family that is close to each other- allowing this move to be less stressful than it could be. Allowing our family to not be separated any more that is necessary.

So here's to family welcoming a family into their home, allowing us to disrupt their "normal" for a little bit & giving us the ability to make this needed change in our life to get out of the wilderness & back to family.

A Grateful Daughter

Friday, May 27, 2016

Enjoying the day

Finally! Summer! Well I guess the official start to summer has not happened yet, but that is okay! We are still enjoying it like it is here.

It does make me laugh though... So many people complain all winter because it is too cold. Yet, quite often, those are the same ones complaining all summer that it is too hot. Is there no pleasing these people?

Personally- I am not a big fan of the winter. I do not like putting on so many layers just to run out & check the mail. (Which, unlike the summer, I wait until I KNOW the mail has come before I go out to see what is in there!) I would much rather be able to at least go out to the mailbox in whatever I have on for the day. [Lately that is yoga capris pants & a tank top -- my everyday outfit of choice for chasing after 2 toddlers & 3 dogs! Haha]

Why am I talking about this? Well, my kids wanted to come outside this morning. It was 9am so I figured why not. Holy Batman was it already so hot! I mean, walking from the door to my chair caused me to swear so bad! And I like summer! But this is crazy! I have had to bring my kiddos inside to cool off every hour. Was not expecting this in May after practically no winter to really speak of this year.

This is still my favorite time of year. It reminds of the Scriptures in Ecclesiastes where it talks about "to everything there is a season".... Think about it. Life is so new this time of year. Between birdie eggs hatching, flowers blooming and the sun staying out longer - it is such a wonderful time of year.

I try to not take the sounds of birds chirping or bees buzzing for granted. It is proof that there is new life. There is still the wonderment of newness happening all around us each and every day.

So take a minute. Breathe in the fresh air. Listen for the birds. Watch for the frogs. Smell the flowers. Just try and enjoy this life that we were given by our Creator. He thought of everything! And them some! There is no way any human being could have thought of all these little details of life the way God has.

Do not take it for granted. Enjoy the little things that make this day what it is.

And let us not complain about the heat - for just a few months ago, this is what everyone wanted!

A Mom Enjoying This Day

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The moving has started

Well, the packing has started... Such a tedious task to do, but the reason for doing it is a fun one.

When you know you are moving to a better place, it is so refreshing to start boxing things up & getting ready for the move. But it also makes you realize how much junk you have! I have been throwing tons of stuff away already & we have just barely started! I am glad for the chance to purge all the stuff we are just holding onto for no reason.

The house we are moving to is much smaller than we currently have (although thanks to the floor plan it feels so much bigger). Which leads me to want to get rid of as much as possible.

I am so thankful for family to be able to help with the process. From getting us some boxes to watching the girls so I can pack... It has been so nice to be able to get stuff done so it actually feels like we are starting to move.

But I do not want to pack too much since we are still living here. For now. Well, only a few more days. However when you have kids, there are just some things that you cannot pack up early. I think we have a good plan in mind for how we plan to tackle the actual move when the day comes. Hopefully it results in an easy move.

For now, I am just happy to have the process underway & boxes being filled up!

A Mom On The Move

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Book Review:: "It's Not Okay" by Andi Dorfman

Early last week I saw that there was an advertisement for Andi Dorfman's book that was coming out. Like many other stars of "The Bachelor" or "The Bachelorette" she too had written a book and even though I have yet to read any of the other books, I was intrigued by this one. Enough that I bought it. Yup, I waited until Tuesday and got online and instantly had it on my iPad to start reading.

I was so excited. I had watched both seasons with her and felt like she was a very strong woman, who was set in her career and looking for Mr. Right to spend her nights with. I knew that she had broken up with Josh, whom she chose as her final suitor at the end. He even proposed to her! But, I knew that by the time the book came out, they were no longer a couple.

So when I saw the book, I thought "oh great - here are her behind the scenes information of what happened" which led me to purchase the book.

Boy oh boy was I wrong! WoW!

First of all, please forgive me for this Andi, but how did you ever graduate from Law School without being able to write? Now, I know I am not perfect. I know my writing is mostly just rambling on about this or that. I also am doing it on a blog. Not in a published book. She would jump from one subject to the next. Half the time I did not know where she was going or how she would get to the point. It was basically like reading a teenagers diary... {Sorry - the truth hurts...}

Next, she seemed like a very classy lady on her show. She stood up for herself and really seemed to have her life together [despite the fact that she had taken to a reality show in Hollywood to find "true love"]. But the amount of cussing and revenge in this book is just appalling. I mean, she uses cuss words just to use them sometimes. It was almost like she realized she did not have one on that page yet and had to throw one in! I was disgusted by her mouth. And the revenge.. Oh my. I mean, I have been through breakups before. They are not fun. They suck. But I have never ever BURNED an old flames stuff! Nor would I ever suggest that it was actually a healthy thing to do! Leave it in a box on his doorstep; have a friend take it to him; something, anything is better than burning it! This is a man she once agreed to marry, a man she was sharing a home with {before they were married.... do not get me started on that} and all she can think to do is to burn his stuff?

Another area that really bothers me was she acted as though she had a degree in psychology, not law. I was really put off by the fact that she was giving step by step guidelines on what to do next or how to go from one phase of the breakup to the next. I know, I know. I was not in her shoes. It has been years since my last breakup (thanks to the fact that I am happily married) so maybe I just do not get it. But when I went through breakups, and friends went through breakups, we both healed in different ways. So while yes, this was her story, she should have kept it as her story. Not a self-help guide to moving on. //Just my two cents - take it or leave it.//

One phrase she used was talking about how you should always "test drive a car before buying it"... Now if you understand that she was NOT talking about cars in the phrase, continue reading. This is what is wrong with the world today! God says that sex is for a MAN and WIFE! Not boyfriend and girlfriend; fiancés; friends; neighbors; who ever. It is for marriage. The fact that she tells people that they should basically sleep around until they are committed is crazy! Pure crazy.

I really thought this book would be more about her journey through both seasons of the hit show; but I was left very disappointed. She never even called Josh by name - I mean, come on girl, he was your fiancée and you cannot even use his name?

Why did I spend this time telling you about this book that you should by no means buy, read, contemplate renting, borrowing... none of that. It should never have been published. Harsh? Maybe, but I am so glad that I did not buy a hard copy of the book because I would not want it on my shelves.

I say all of that to say this... Ladies, we need to protect ourselves. There is so much trash out there in this world. So just that is trying to lead us in the ways of the world. If a non-Christian girl had read this, and thought this was the proper way to go through a breakup or the best way to act or carry yourself, then I would feel bad that they took Andi's poor advice. We need to be examples to other girls out there. Show them the way of the Lord. Do not let them go to girls like this for advice on how to live and react to situations that come our way.

Andi - if you ever read this - I hope you understand why I said what I did. I thought of you as sort of a roll model to girls until I read your book. I was so excited to see a career woman on this show and thought that it was a great example of how you can follow your dreams and still find love. But really, now I feel bad for you. I have been praying a lot for you. And I hope that you find what you are looking for in this life to be truly happy. {However - that true happiness will only come from knowing God and a personal relationship with Him....}

Please be cautious what you let your daughters watch and read. Please guard their hearts, minds, eyes, ears from the ways of the world. Do not let them fall into the trap that this world is laying and the lies that are being spread to look like truths. Keep them surrounded by God and His words so that when something contradicts God's truths, they know which is real.

A Girl Who Will Choose Her Reading Material A Little More Cautiously Next Time

Friday, May 20, 2016

This is the day...

We all count down to certain days and times in our lives. We set reminders so we do not forget about important events happening. Make countdowns to remind people how many days until... you fill in the blank for you.

Well, the day is upon us in our family... We have waited and prayed. And prayed and waited. Prayed some more... waited some more.

You get the idea!

My husband and I knew that moving to our current house was a temporary move. <Insert Carrie Underwood singing "Temporary Home" because that is what started playing in my head as I typed this!> We knew that eventually we would be selling and moving our family we have created to a new location. It was no surprise to us when we started to feel like that time of the impending move was drawing near. 

It was a surprise to us how quickly God moved in our situation. Let me lay it out for you...

After years of praying about moving (pretty much since before we moved here) to the town where our church and my base were, it all happened so fast that it still hasn't formulated into my mind. See, my husband was offered a job... We did not accept right away. We did not just jump on it since it would take us to the location that we knew we were supposed to be in. We took our time.

We prayed! A LOT!

When we finally felt like it was time to accept the offer and get this thing started, it all went rolling into action. In a matter of days we had offered on a house ((with tons of land and promise)); that offer was accepted. We had put our house on the market. After 3 days that consisted of 7 showings, we got an above-list-price offer... that we accepted. And the plan was put into place.

Finally - we were moving. Now, please do not think that there were not hiccups along the way. Yes, we had issues. There were things needed completed at both our current and new houses in order for the sales to go through. The countless trees that died for us to sign our names a bajillion times over and over again so that we could say the same thing to our realtor, mortgage people and whoever else asked the questions. There was the stresses of going through home inspections, radon inspections, pest inspections, appraisals, negotiations back and forth on who fixes this or that... What was more important, this or that.

No, it was not easy - but we stayed calm, cried a few times, hung onto each other and ultimately we are about the cross over to the other side.

So, when I say the day is upon us, I do not mean our moving day is finally here. {I wish!} But the day is upon us to where we have to pack!


Who likes packing? Anyone? Because I sure do not. And now we have to pack for we do not know how long to stay at my parents house for who knows how long and hope that we have everything done. It is a challenge - but the day is upon us. We will survive this just like we survived all the paperwork to get to this day...

Oh - and did I mention my husband starts his new job on Tuesday, where he will leave Tuesday and not come back until Thursday when the girls are about to go to bed... and we will be at my parents house, babysitting their dog.... just me - 3 dogs and 2 toddlers.

You may not hear from me for a while... Just saying...

But, no matter what - the day is upon us when our prayers are being answered...

A Thankful Prayerful Mom 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Just A Mom Keeping It Real

Okay Moms - I am talking to you today. Or maybe Dads... Anyone who stays home with the kids. Maybe not even your kids. You are the babysitter maybe. Okay - so really, I am talking to anyone who has children around them.

Anyway... So my 2.5yr old likes to come down to Mommy & Daddy's bed at night sometimes. She goes through phases of doing it every night to going weeks between coming down for some cuddles in the middle of the night.

So it has been a while since Hubs & I had our little visitor at night.

But I really was not fully aware of her joining us last night. I know I lifted her into our bed. I do not know what time it was {{found out later Hubs had already taken her back at 12:30am when she came down the first time}} nor do I really remember much of anything other than lifting her into the bed between Hubs and I.

What I do remember, however, is where the joys of being Mom [or Dad] come in. Are you ready?

I am going to keep it real here.

I woke up at 5am to pee... As I was pee'ing, I realized I had been so sweaty while I slept last night - or this morning since I figured it was due to another body in the bed with us. I debated changing my shirt, but as I debated, I started to realize I was only sweaty in 1 area of my body. I was whiping sweat off my side & thinking how abnormal this was.

Are you still with me here?

So I finish pee'ing & just sit there trying to wake myself up enough to figure out what is going on. I reach down to pull up my shorts -- that is when I realize that just the right side of my shorts were wet too.

Which is when a lightbulb comes on and I instantly sniff my hand. You know, the hand I used to wipe the sweat off my side while I was pee'ing...

It was not sweat.

There was no way that smell was from sweat!

I look to my bed <which can be seen from my spot on the toilet> to see Caralee laying there all passed out... WITH NO PANTS ON! Okay - not just no pants, no diaper either.

--Now Caralee has been potty trained for about 10 months, but we have never ventured into the nighttime part of it since she has not seemed ready for that--

So I pull up my shorts wake Hubs & inform him of our newfound issue with our little visitor... He instantly realized his side of the bed was dry so told me to put on some dry clothes, take his side & go back to sleep with Caralee. The damage was done so no sense in waking her to get her washed up at 5am if she was still sleeping peacefully.

I changed my clothes. Climb into bed on Hubs side while he gets up & goes to the couch. All I smell is pee. That is it. Pee. There are no other scents that can be picked up by my nose at this point.

Yet somehow, exhaustion wins & I fall back to sleep with my toddler still wearing just her pj top.

I wake up at 7am... Hubs is gone for work, my toddler is not in the room but my brain instantly starts to process the events of the morning. I get up - my "clean" clothes are smelling like pee now so I strip down, grab a shower & come out to strip the bed.

That is when I realized just how bad my morning was -- the pee had soaked through the mattress protector! Yup. You know that thing you buy to save yourself from things like this happening. Yeah. It failed me this morning. Failed me.

So I get everything into the washer - get it on its way to smelling better. Then go back to assess the damage to our mattress and get to cleaning it...

Well I think you now understand how my morning has gone... But, if I can survive, so can you! That is a promise.

No matter what challenges you face today - no matter what stress comes your way - Call on God. He is there. He is your strength. Your protection. Your comfort. Your calm in the midst of the storm. He will always be there to listen & guide you through your life. No matter how crazy your life is, He is there. He wants to help.

I sometimes have to remind myself multiple times that He is there with me. But once I get it into my head that there is nothing He & I cannot face together, that is when things start to look up. Things stop looking impossible & a plan of action starts to form.

Why do I tell you this nasty story of me getting covered in pee as I slept? To let you know that this too shall pass. You are not alone. Sometimes life is just like being covered in someone else's pee. Or maybe you really were just like me. Whichever the case - do not turn away from God. Do not forget that He is with you. Do not let anyone tell you that things will not get better. I am here to tell you that they will!

A Mom Who Has Had A Day By 7am

Monday, May 16, 2016

Just Be Held...

So yesterday, I was driving home from working for the last few days and I had my music going really loud to help me since I was so tired. I was driving my husbands car, so I did not have my SiriusXM. Which meant that I had my phone plugged in and the music I have downloaded from iTunes.

You may be wondering what is the point... I promise I am getting to it!

Well I forgot that my amazing husband sync'd all of our music, and he has Casting Crowns, which means now I do too!

You ever get to where you have heard a song so many times, but then you finally hear the words? That is what happened to me yesterday. I finally heard the lyrics and it just has been radiating in me ever since.

Here is the lyric video: https://youtu.be/tIZitK6_IMQ

During my message yesterday morning I talked about waiting on the Lord and how He is there for us through everything.

So hearing the lyrics about letting go and letting God just hold you has been hanging with me ever since.

They say "Your world is not falling apart it is falling into place..." which is something that so many of us need to hear. No matter what we are going through, no matter how hard things seem, no matter if you cannot see any way of making it out of your situation - your world is not falling apart!


God is ensuring that your world is going into place. We - as humans - may not see that.. We may be wondering what God is doing or what He is allowing this or that to happen. But remember, He can see the big picture. He planned your life before you were born - this situation is not a surprise to Him.

Sometimes we have to learn to just let go of whatever is going on and just let God hold us.

When all seems to be going wrong, go to God. Let Him hold you and take care of whatever is going on. It is not impossible.

Someone who is letting God hold her even more now

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Combat Boots

Today is Thursday. Most people count down to Friday. Why? Because that is the end of most people's week... You know you can make it through the day on Friday because you will then have a couple days off before you head into the office again 

Well, that's not how life goes for me. Friday is my Monday... Except my Monday only comes once a month. You may be wondering how that is... Well I promise it is not all you are thinking it is right now. 

One weekend a month I grab my uniform and serve this wonderful country in the Ohio Air National Guard. I love my job, so do not think I am complaining at all. It is the life I chose. 

Almost 15 years ago I raised my right hand & swore to defend this country against all enemies, both foreign & domestic. Then, 4 years later I did it again as I transferred from the Air Force into the Ohio ANG. Then 6 years later I did it again. Then a year later I did it again as an officer. 

So I have made my choice and do not regret it. 

However-- it is tough when everyone is counting down to Friday and I know my Friday is actually my Monday this week. But since I love my job and the people I serve with, I willingly leave my family for a few days & join another family. My extended family. My brothers & sisters who have committed their lives to this country just as I have so many times over the last 15 years of my life. 

Why do I tell you all of this? I do not know for sure. I just know it was on my heart & on my mind. So I wanted to share with you. I do not serve for a thank you or for any type of recognition. I serve because it is where I am called to be for right now. When it is time for me to retire, I will do so knowing that others are coming in after me to fulfill the call to this great nation. 

If there is someone in your family, a friend, a neighbor-- who you know who puts that uniform on as well, then make sure you say an extra prayer for them and their family tonight. Pray for their safety. Pray for their peace. Pray for their mental health {trust me -- mental illness is a huge issue in the military due to the type of job we have and do}. Pray that they get to see their family. Pray that their planes, ships, vehicles are all safe. Pray that their family does not have to worry. 

One thing you can always do for your military is pray for them. Please do not ever forget to do that. 

A Girl Who Wears A Uniform And Combat Boots

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

God is Good...

Over the years there are times when I have wondered "Are you there God?" It is like the book I read as a kid... You pray, you read the Bible, you live as you are supposed to (messing up sometimes, asking forgiveness & moving on)...

But it is easy as a human to wonder if there is a reason for this. A reason to follow God & what He commanded us in His Word. I think of the saying from the movie "Gods Not Dead 2" -- "I would rather stand with God & be judges by the world than stand with the world & be judged by God!"

That is such a powerful statement. And it has been ringing through my mind since I saw the movie. Am I standing with God in all that I do? Am I really trusting Him?

Well the last 8 days have shown me just how much God loves me. Just how much He thinks of me. That I am His favorite! {Do not get upset -- you are His favorite too!! You are!}

My husband & I have been praying for years now for something. Praying. Praying. Praying. Giving our tithes. Giving offerings above our tithes. But at some points we just felt like we were not getting anywhere. Just felt like we were stuck. We were out in the wilderness alone.

But we never gave up. Never stopped praying. Never stopped believing that God had a plan. Yes it was taking longer than we wanted it to! I mean, I wanted this all done years ago. But that is not how God works. He does not do things in our timing just because that is what we want. [[I know - how unfair, right?]] He has everything planned out already.

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to give you a hope & a future!"

How many times have we read that & just kept going. Thinking "well that is nice God - but what about now? What about today?"

He sees today. But He also sees tomorrow. & the next day. & the next day. He sees it. I promise.

When it is time for things to happen, He will make them happen. He will make things happen in ways that you never saw as a possibility. & that is how you will know -- without any doubt -- that it was all God! That it was not by your own might or power - but it was by God.

I had nothing to do with the recent turn of events in my family's lives... Except I trusted God. My husband trusted God. My family all prayed for us. Believed with us. & stood on the promises of God with us. & when God was ready, He made a way. He made it all fall into place. Made us just cry with thanksgiving that He thinks of us & made all this happen for us!

If He can do it for us - He can do it for you.
Since He did it for us - He will do it for you!

The only question I have for you is, do you believe? Do you trust? Can you put away all doubt & stand strong on what God says in His word?

Can you ignore the doubters & those who say God is dead... Can you overpower the voices of negativity by quoting Scripture?

I believe that your blessings are here. They are happening. You are a blessed child of God! Never give doubt any place in you heart, mind, soul.

And then watch what He will do with your faithfulness.

A truly grateful child of the Almighty God

Monday, May 9, 2016

Are you going to stand?

Being someone who grew up going to church, I have heard the phrase "Trust God always" or "Trust God in everything & every situation"... If you have gone to church any number of times you have probably heard a phrase like that before too.

I think I have even preached on the subject before!

But sometimes we know something is true - we believe it with all that we are. Then, we actually get to put it to the test... Put our faith to the test. Decide if we are going to actually put all our faith & trust in God. To know that He, and He alone, can fix the problem/issue, change the final answer or work all things out in your favor.

It is not easy -- believe me -- to get to that point in your life where you are having to take a step back & fully trust that God has this problem or situation already figured out.

When your human brain is bringing in doubt, telling you opposite of what you know God is telling you, it is difficult to continue to hold onto His truths.

However, that's just what we have to do. We have to hold on. No matter what our human eyes are seeing. We have to hold on. No matter what other people say. Stand strong in His truth. Stand strong in Him. Believe the report that God has given you. Not what you feel or see. Speak the truth that God has given you, not what is happening.

Speak it into existence. Speak it as God has promised. & do not waver in your faith! Do no let the doubt creep in. Do not let the devil tell you something that goes against God's word & promises.

When your situation seems unbearable, when it seems like there is no way out, when it seems like God has forgotten you & left you to figure things out on your own... That is when you have to have faith! That is when you have to trust even more that God knows what He is doing.

Never give up. Never speak anything except what God has given you to say. Stay positive throughout your situation. Because you never know who is watching you & who is waiting to see what God will do. He is using you & others are watching. So stand strong my friend. Stand strong in God!

I Needed To Hear This Myself

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Mom, you are not alone...

When you are a parent, sometimes you do not even get a second alone to think. About anything!
From what you are making for breakfast/lunch/dinner, or if you already washed your hair... Not even to remember if you made your bed or fed the dog.
Please tell me I am not alone in this.
Some days all I want is to be able to go to the bathroom without one or two kids sitting on my lap while I go! Is that really too much to ask?
When did my life go from peaceful boredom to so much stress 24/7 that I cannot even remember if I brushed my teeth today?
It is so easy for moms to loose themselves in the daily grind of what this life has become. Wiping noses. Changing diapers. Finding a paci (for the millionth time today). Making food that may or may not be eaten. Waiting until the kids go to bed to actually get to eat something yourself without little hands helping themselves to whatever is on your plate (even though the just fed the dog everything you gave to them to eat).
I have found it to be so important to take a minute to breathe! Among all the whining, crying, teething, fussing, I am sleepy but do not make me nap moments, as a mom, we need to breathe. We need to take that second to gather ourselves before we truly do go insane!
I am just being real here.
And I know I am not alone. I know I am not the only one who forgets to breathe. Forgets to remember that this too shall pass. And one day I will long for these moments back.
Please know you are not alone. You are not the only one wondering how you will survive another day (okay - maybe another minute) without someone giving you a break.
When you try to talk to another adult & your children just will not let you - remember, that other adult is not judging you. They have probably been in the same boat you are in now!
I get so embarrassed when my kids do not act like they are supposed to - but then I have to remind myself they are 2.5yrs & 1yr old... They cannot always tell me what is wrong. Maybe they do not even know themselves. They just know that at that moment they want me. Mom. Their comfort.
So take a breath mom. Lean on your comfort system (God, hubby, your mom, a friend). Just like your daughter or son needs you - you need someone to remind you to breathe & it will all be okay!

Another tired, stressed, worn out, needing a shower & brushed teeth, losing her mind mom