Friday, May 27, 2016

Enjoying the day

Finally! Summer! Well I guess the official start to summer has not happened yet, but that is okay! We are still enjoying it like it is here.

It does make me laugh though... So many people complain all winter because it is too cold. Yet, quite often, those are the same ones complaining all summer that it is too hot. Is there no pleasing these people?

Personally- I am not a big fan of the winter. I do not like putting on so many layers just to run out & check the mail. (Which, unlike the summer, I wait until I KNOW the mail has come before I go out to see what is in there!) I would much rather be able to at least go out to the mailbox in whatever I have on for the day. [Lately that is yoga capris pants & a tank top -- my everyday outfit of choice for chasing after 2 toddlers & 3 dogs! Haha]

Why am I talking about this? Well, my kids wanted to come outside this morning. It was 9am so I figured why not. Holy Batman was it already so hot! I mean, walking from the door to my chair caused me to swear so bad! And I like summer! But this is crazy! I have had to bring my kiddos inside to cool off every hour. Was not expecting this in May after practically no winter to really speak of this year.

This is still my favorite time of year. It reminds of the Scriptures in Ecclesiastes where it talks about "to everything there is a season".... Think about it. Life is so new this time of year. Between birdie eggs hatching, flowers blooming and the sun staying out longer - it is such a wonderful time of year.

I try to not take the sounds of birds chirping or bees buzzing for granted. It is proof that there is new life. There is still the wonderment of newness happening all around us each and every day.

So take a minute. Breathe in the fresh air. Listen for the birds. Watch for the frogs. Smell the flowers. Just try and enjoy this life that we were given by our Creator. He thought of everything! And them some! There is no way any human being could have thought of all these little details of life the way God has.

Do not take it for granted. Enjoy the little things that make this day what it is.

And let us not complain about the heat - for just a few months ago, this is what everyone wanted!

A Mom Enjoying This Day

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