Friday, May 18, 2012

29 While 29 - Item 19 **UPDATE**

19 - Donate my hair…again!
This is something that I have already done twice in my life (June 2005 & November 2007) and I would like to do this again. My hair is already long enough to donate, so really it is just a matter of when do I want to cut it! I will post before and after pictures when I do get it cut and mail off my hair!

The 19th item on my list of things to do while I am 29 was to donate my hair to Locks of Love. This is an amazing organization that takes hair donations of at least 10inches long and uses them to make wigs for kids with cancer. So, since my hair grows so quickly, I like to help out when I can. Last night I decided it was time to cut my hair again... so I have my donation all ready to be mailed out and I will mail it in the morning. 

I am sure you want to see pictures... So here you go:

Here is the Before picture....
...and here is the after picture!
There was certainly a lot of hair there - they put it into 2 ponytails in order to cut it better. So hopefully with this donation I will be able to help a child in their time of need.

Monday, May 14, 2012

James 3:5-6

A few months ago a very well-known church in the town next to where I live caught fire and basically burned completely down; the frame walls remained, but they were held up by a lot of 2x4's post-fire so that they would not fall. After that happened, my best friend made this post on Facebook that I copied, started a post on here, and then saved for a later date... 
This was her post:

I read in the paper today that the likely cause of Ada's church fire yesterday was an unattended candle that was close to combustable products. That made me think of how just something so little and simple can turn into something so big. And that made me think about how the words we say...even the small ones...can affect those around us negatively. Think about the things you say before you say them. 
"It only takes a spark, remember, to set off a forest fire. A careless or wrongly placed word out of your mouth can do that. By our speech we can ruin the world, turn harmony to chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world up in smoke and go up in smoke with it, smoke right from the pit of hell."
James 3:5-6 MSG

When I read what she wrote it really got me thinking about how important the words we speak are. I think all too often we forget that words hurt, and words are the cause of a lot of issues we deal with. And honestly, it is time we start taking control of the words we speak.

This is a topic that is often discussed at my church and when we do a popular movie quote seems to always come up... There is a part in the Pirates of the Caribbean movie where Johnny Depp's character "Captain Jack Sparrow" says - "The words of your mouth love, the words of your mouth." And yes, I know this was a movie but what he said there has so much meaning for our everyday lives that I think it is worth mentioning.

Just as that fire in the Ada church started with just a small flame on a candle, what will happen to the words that you speak? How large will they grow? What negativity are you putting out there on yourself, your family and friends or even your job?

Now this is something that works both ways. Speaking positive and uplifting words can also spread and grow with time to where they are helping people and making a positive difference on someones life. Like it says in the book of James in the Bible, that a careless or wrongly placed word can set off a forest fire. But they can also spread the Good News if we are just continuously careful about what we say. 

Words are important... words can hurt no matter what the little saying says that we grew up hearing. You know the one...Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me. The sad truth is that words can hurt and sometimes worse than sticks or stones. All it takes is a choice by all of us to either spread good words or negative words around; to lift someone up by what we say or break them down by our taunting. The decision to do the right thing lies in each and every single one of us alone - and it is a personal decision we have to make.

What do you choose....??

Random thinking...

Sometimes I really wonder who is out there in need of help but staying silent for fear of not knowing who they can turn to. It seems like we are all so busy that we forget to take the time to really realize what is actually important in life and if we do realize it, it may be too late. I only post this question...this general wondering... because I often read people's posts on Facebook, or Twitter, or see them driving by me on the street, passing me in a store... And it seems as though we are all so involved in what is going on that we forget to stop and realize what really matters in life.

I know I am not the only one who goes to the store with my list of things I need/want to buy and set about getting it done without talking to anyone else. I try to keep to myself and sometimes even get annoyed when people get in my way as I am trying to just wander around without purpose just for a little time alone. Which is silly because I spend every day at home alone with our 2 dogs... So it is not like I need that time, just want it.

The simple fact is many of us know our neighbors? How many of us have even 2 people we can turn to when we are feelings sad or lonely and know that they will be there without question to just listen? I think it is time that we all stand up and stop being so self-involved and start sharing the life God has given us with those around us. I for one do not know my neighbors. I recognize them in their yard, and even chat with them once in a while, but I couldn't even tell you their names. And that is sad. It is time to make a change.

Sorry for my ramblings... Just have a lot on my mind and knew that I could share it all on here.

Until next time...