Friday, April 29, 2016

Random Thoughts from a SAHM

Well - It is Finally Friday!! What does that mean?? Well as a Stay At Home Mom - nothing really! 😉

This week has been so long for me. Both girls are teething & there has been non-stop crying/whining/runny noses for me to endure all week long. I have been very thankful for the short little quiet moments I have been able to steal away while they watched a movie (oh have I mentioned it has been raining most the week so we have had to stay inside instead of letting them run around outdoors....) & I get to drink my coffee --super fast-- in silence.

And as I am typing this my 1yr old climbs onto my lap & throws up on me! Not a lot, but enough to where these clean pants I got out for today are, well, no longer clean!

The joys of mom life!

Some days it is the toughest thing in the world. I wonder if I can survive another minute let alone the hours until help [in the form of my husband] arrives! Every day just seems to blur together in a never-ending time of making food, throwing out food because it wasn't eaten {{or letting the dog eat it so it does not go to waste}}, getting milk, cleaning up toys, changing diapers, letting the dogs out, finding the favorite stuffed animal that is hiding right in front of my toddlers eyes, letting the dogs in, brushing teeth (the kids love this activity), preparing for naps.... The list could go on but I think you get the idea <or you are right there with me in this craziness>!

Why do I say all of this? Because. No matter how tired I am, how stressed I get, how many times I loose my temper & yell [I know I am not alone here - right Moms? Dads?] at the kids because I just feel so overwhelmed I can't even think straight...

They come running into the room & ask for a hug (no hidden agenda this time), or a kiss... Or like my 1yr old who just cut her first top tooth today & wasn't feeling good because of it, she lays down in my lap & drifts off to sleep!

And I am once again filled with the love that makes all the above stressors disappear from my mind. I am filled with unconditional love for this child who developed inside me.

So when the days are long & seem like you are living in the movie Groundhog Day... Know you are not alone. You are not facing these trials alone. You do not have to suffer in silence. As moms, we need to stick together. Support each other. Love each other. Comfort each other. Lift each other up.

I'm here for you! We will survive these days together! Never give up!

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