Thursday, October 27, 2016

A stressed out mom....

It has been way too long since I have had a moment to sit at my computer, open up the internet and try to put any thoughts down on anything. Seems like there are times when life is just spiraling out of control.

I know I am not the only mom who feels this way. (Shoot - you do not even have to be a mom to feel this way! That is just what is the main reason for my stress...)

Now, do not get that statement wrong! I absolutely love my kids. I love being a mom. I even love being a Stay At Home Mom {SAHM}! To have every day with my girls and get to watch them grow up. I know so many parents that miss out on so much because of work and other commitments that I am beyond thankful that I get to stay home and be with my girls every day.

But my goodness do they stress me out sometimes! LoL

Let's be real moms - it is not easy being a parent. Having these little beings that we have to teach EVERYTHING to.... it is not easy! It can be very stressful. Some days I do not know if I want coffee, wine, sleep, to run away, curl up in a ball and cry, or any number of other things!

I am just speaking the truth. If you have never felt this way - please, tell me your secret because I know a ton of moms out there who want to know.

However - just when I do not think that I can handle one more fight between my girls (which, let's be honest - I did not think the arguments would start this early... C is almost 3yrs and J is just 18m... And they fight about anything and everything!)... There are moments when I get so stressed, anxious, overwhelmed... I just want to leave.

That is when it happens. You know what I am talking about moms...dads... That moment when your child walks up to you, out of no where, with no prompting & tells you they love you! Gives you a hug! Does something so beyond silly that you find yourself laughing so hard you cry, instead of cry from stress.

Yes, these little beings that we are doing our very best to raise, to make into decent human beings that the world do not mind dealing with... These little ones who can have us on the verge of loosing our cool with them one second and laughing with them the next...

They are the ones who are such a blessing in our lives. They keep us balanced. They keep life fun.

So the next time that you feel like you are about to blow up and are so stressed you do not know what way is up -- Know you are not alone. There are thousands of other parents out there who feel the same. We are all just trying to do our best with what we have. We pray that we are doing things the way God wants us to so that we are able to look back one day and realize we raised pretty good kids.

It is time we stop trying to hide the fact that we are all just one screw away from falling apart some days. Stop trying to act like we are the perfect parent. Stop trying to tell others how to raise their kids. We are all in this together. All in this circus together.

If you need someone to talk to - I am here. I have been through so much in my 3 short years being a mom! But I am by no means an expert. I know my girls, and I know them better than anyone else. But I am still learning every single day. Every day is a new adventure with them and in this wonderful life of mommy hood!

The next time you feel like you cannot take another argument, another fight, another "no".... just remember, that moment of "I love you" or a hug or something hilarious to make you laugh is right around the corner. Look for that & realize how much those kiddos love you and appreciate you doing the best you can!

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