Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 14 - Christmas Challenge

Your favorite food at Christmas (not a baked good)...

~Wow - not a baked good... Okay I had an answer all in mind until that was added into the question... My favorite would be breakfast on Christmas morning. We always went on Christmas Eve and got a package of Cinnabons to warm up on Christmas morning after opening our presents. So that has always been my favorite food at Christmas...but since it's a baked good, I'm forced to keep thinking.... Hmmmm...
~Okay, well how about a drink? Haha I know I'm not answering this correctly, but who is judging? It's my blog, so I can answer it how I want! LoL Anyways... mom always makes home-made Eggnog! It is amazing. It's a recipe she got from her dad & one that I will take and incorporate into my family's holiday as it is the tastiest ever! I have tried many others, but just does not compare to Paw-Paw's recipe that has always been used in my family. So that is a drink that I never want to go a holiday without having some of this yummy, family tradition! 

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